Expand Your Worldview: With the Other



Expand Your Worldview: With the Other


So let's look at it today. Let's take a few minutes and look at a pattern. That's very, very important. I would suggest that it could actually be the pattern that redeems us as the church and redeems the culture we live in. It would expand our worldview that much. Here's the first thing. Look, God uses prayer as the preparation place for changing hearts, even though Cornelius was a Roman, did you hear the way he's described in his following of y'all way? He he's become this man of who who prays continually? Yes. He gives all arms. Yes. He's a generous man. Yes. He's a person of high character and he's trusted by his overseers, but, but he is a man who is praying continually so much so that when the angel speaks to him, you remember what the angel said? The angel said, Hey, Cornelius, your arms giving and your prayers have ascended in such a way.


Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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East Side Church of God

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Anderson, IN

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Date Submitted

10/21/2020 17:36

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