Spiritual Analysis and Remedies of the Racial Unrest and COVID-19



Spiritual Analysis and Remedies of the Racial Unrest and COVID-19


a complete lack of any leaders trying to actually work together and help their constituents at any level of government – we need look no further than our own city/county/state governments to see this nonsense; there is no help from a Federal government whose role it is to drive the country in times of needed unity; all we get out of Washington is finger pointing and photo ops; all these talking heads driving forward this silly notion there will be a July 12, 2020 Page 3 of 10 vaccine by summer, so dumb people do dumber things like crowding the beaches, bars, restaurants, political and protest rallies; with all these things going on, how could COVID-19 not get worse? I mean, did we really need a study related to COVID to know that drunk people aren’t going to stay distant from other people? Really? It is so shocking to see the disease come roaring back when one of the first things re-opened were bars.


Blame and Scapegoating

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Spatial Coverage

Westboro Baptist Church

has denomination

Primitive Baptist

Date Submitted

11/9/2020 23:08

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