There Is Much We Can Learn, About When Jesus Will Return



There Is Much We Can Learn, About When Jesus Will Return


this is bootcamp and brothers, like a brother Thurston on the line. And, and, and, and others who have served in the military know that bootcamp is for preparation for the war, but this is what we are. This is preparation time. And we will only fair as well on the battlefield. As we have invested time in preparation, what I want us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I don't say this to frightened, but I don't. I don't back away from sharing with all of us. The closeness of Jesus' return


Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

has community

Delaware Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church

Spatial Coverage

1845 20th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404

has denomination

Seventh-day Adventist

Date Submitted

11/8/2020 23:33

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