There Is Much We Can Learn, About When Jesus Will Return



There Is Much We Can Learn, About When Jesus Will Return


Don't, don't worry about what the president is doing. Or we pray for him. The Bible tells us in first Timothy, we underplay for him. We're to pray for all leaders is what the Bible is saying, but don't be worried about so many people who are fullest discern about what he's knowing and what Putin is doing. And what's Brian and Mike do. And what Kamala might do with what Mike Pence might do. That's not biblical. God says, focus on me, just focus on what I'm doing. What is he doing right now? He's interceding for us.


God's will only (or primarily)

has community

Delaware Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church

Spatial Coverage

1845 20th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404

has denomination

Seventh-day Adventist

Date Submitted

11/8/2020 23:55

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