Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19



Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19


have these virtual meetings 07:25 together another thing you do is give 07:27 them little challenges or little tasks 07:29 so one of the things I did recently was 07:31 ask some of our members of our youth 07:33 ministry to start writing to two young 07:36 women who just entered formation for two 07:38 different religious orders one with the 07:40 dominicans one with the CFR's 07:41 and in writing to them they can just you 07:44 have some extra time to write a 07:46 handwritten note and mail it out to 07:48 these two young women who I'm sure will 07:50 correspond that because they've been 07:51 really great about sending some letters 07:53 to our youth ministry now we can just 07:55 give them a whole bunch of more letters 07:56 so that they can hear what's going on in 07:58 each of their lives and kind of 08:00 communicate that way it's a kind of lost 08:02 form of communication in handwritten 08:05 letter


Emphasis on children

Spatial Coverage

Williamstown, nj

has denomination

Roman Catholic

Date Submitted

11/9/2020 21:45

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