What Good Can Come Out of This Crisis



What Good Can Come Out of This Crisis


For those of us who don’t have to leave our homes, we must especially look for ways to turn towards God by helping others. Calling up people we know who are alone or who may be afraid and anxious is one way. When you go out to the supermarket or pharmacy, asking others if you can get them something is another way. Reaching out to our neighbors who we may not really know and letting them know that we are there for them in case of any emergencies can become a beautiful opportunity to draw closer to our neighbors. Maybe we can simply write notes to encourage and comfort people who are feeling afraid. Or let us consciously post positive and uplifting messages on social media to offset all the negative bad news out there. We also can offer a donation to churches, organizations and individuals who are helping the most needy. Be creative and think about how we can help others!


Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.

has community

Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church

Spatial Coverage

Webster, MA

has denomination

Orthodox Christianity

Date Submitted

12/1/2020 16:21

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