The Coronavirus and Worry



The Coronavirus and Worry


. Worry is unhelpful What does that mean? It is useless, worthless. Nothing changes when we worry. “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Matthew 6:27, NIV.- worry cannot make us taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, thinner, fatter. Worry cannot add anything to our lives. Worry is stewing without doing. It’s investing emotional energy for something that is doing nothing. It’s like a rocking chair- it gives us something to do but we are going nowhere. The only thing that worry can do is make us miserable and this will shorten our lives. Worry cannot change anything in our past. Worry cannot control our future. If it can’t change the past and it can’t control our future, what does it do? Messes up today- ruins the present. It zaps the strength out of our body. “An anxious heart weighs a man down” Proverbs 12:25, NIV. Start to worry about something, then we get discouraged. We start to get depressed and in despair. Our bodies were not designed to worry. Every time we wallow in worry, our stomach keeps score, or our back, or our headaches- bad for our health. People say, “I’m worried sick” That’s right! Worry causes fatigue more than work. Put in a full days work, come home just so dog tired, lay down and sleep. “The sleep of a laborer is sweet” Ecclesiastes 5:12, NIV. Worrying all day, come home and sleep will not come. “The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep.” Ecclesiastes 5:12, NIV. Why no sleep? Worried about what he has or does not have.


Self-care and wellness

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Christian/Church of Christ

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Date Submitted

12/3/2020 9:15

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