Should we Trust in Allah and keep the Mosques Open during Coronavirus COVID 19?


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Should we Trust in Allah and keep the Mosques Open during Coronavirus COVID 19?

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Bible, Quran, or other sacred book

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*Quranic Verse* do not commit accesses in your Din. As far as the guidance given with the prophet Muhammad (SWT), the prophet clearly said in Bukhari various others discussed in my previous sessions, that when you know of an epidemic of a plague in a particular land, don't go to that land. And if you're in that land, don't leave that land where it is headed. The prophet said, if you see a leper, if you see a leper run away from him, or they have seen a line, so all these, how do you feel that we should stay away from contagious diseases?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Dr. Zakir Naik



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