Guidelines for EID Prayers During COVID


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Guidelines for EID Prayers During COVID

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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives

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Does that mean a lot as it will be rewarding shelter? Where do you, the next question that we have here for you shift is can I pray my <inaudible> in my house with my family? Yes. The scholars have different opinions with regards to whether or not a person can pray at home in Charlotte, given how difficult the circumstances are. There is leeway for people to perform. There's a lot to that. So long as they meet the requisite requirements at home. And what are those requisite requirements? If we were to just, you know, elaborate in Sharla that what can we do to pre those eight satellite in the house, if we have to. So according to the Hanafi position, we need several male mature male adults present over there, just like we do at the time of tomorrow, you have the mom and then you'll have three meals behind them. But there is concession according to the other schools that if they can't meet their requirements, because it's treated as an ordinary Netflix prayer, they can perform the solar with whatever amount of people they can gather together and show

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Imam Kashif Ahmed and Sh. Muntasir Zaman



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