Reflect, Repair and solve: Taking responsibility for our very lives (Erev Rosh HaShanah)


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Reflect, Repair and solve: Taking responsibility for our very lives (Erev Rosh HaShanah)

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An apology is not the only act that results in healing, but it is often a first step, a big one.  After an apology thorough healing still takes time, in some cases, years, but it can happen.  We have the time to do this repair work. As I prepared for this new year, I identified some wrongs I needed to repair.  An instance when I did not take care of myself.  An event when I should have stood up for a Black friend.  And more than a few times when I acted poorly towards someone I love.  I find it challenging to say I’m sorry.  There is a reason why Adam and Eve didn’t apologize and why us humans avoid doing so.  It is emotionally demanding to face our flaws.  It requires courage and can be embarrassing.  Our tradition recognizes that genuine apologies can assist in restoring our relationships.  They lead to our growth and positive change and help us to sleep at night.  And trust me, we need our sleep.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Maurice A. Salth



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