Shabbat with Rabbi Lisa March 27


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Shabbat with Rabbi Lisa March 27

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And for people who are, who are bringing us, who are willing to, to keep everyone safe and to, and to take care of all of those who are in need of healing right now, I especially want to thank all those people in locally and all around who are, who are doing that, that really important and really hard work. And, and especially keeping those people in my heart. When I think about God's sheltering peace right now, wishing those people and all of us strength and noticing that some people are on this live stream who are alumni of, of university, of Michigan. And it's, it's just such a really beautiful opportunity to be able to, while we're not together physically, to be able to actually expand our circle of connection over technology right now.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rav Lisa Stella



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