E-Torah My New Years Wish to You


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E-Torah My New Years Wish to You

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
Unity of religious community
Community themes

Text of excerpt, if available

As we close this year, I say to you, you have been a blessing in my life, in the life of my family, our efforts here in Blue Ash, our ever-expanding impact on the greater Cincinnati Jewish community. May G-d bless you in kind and may that blessing be manifest in the continued success of your efforts with us at Chabad Jewish Center; bringing Torah, mitzvot and the joyous light of Yiddishkeit to our brothers and sisters, those inside our circle and those still wandering.   May this year bring peace and healing to our world and our family in the land of Israel. And finally, may the sun set on the years of disconnect for our people and usher in the rising of a new sun, the sun of Moshiach, AMEN!

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbi Yisroel & Chana Mangel



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