Conservative/Masorti Movement Statement on Gatherings and Communal Expectations of Leadership


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Conservative/Masorti Movement Statement on Gatherings and Communal Expectations of Leadership

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

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Based on prevailing health guidelines and government directives in much of the world, people in places affected with COVID-19 should stay home and maintain physical proximity only with people from their own households. This means: Public in person prayer gatherings, life cycle celebrations, meetings, and other events should not take place.  People should follow local directives and remain in their own homes except for fulfilling basic survival needs. People should remain in their own households for Shabbat meals and for sedarim.   Burials should follow local guidelines, which often include only graveside services, limiting physical attendance to 10 or fewer people (more may attend virtually), using appropriate physical distancing practices, and avoiding the sharing of objects (such as shovels).   Clergy, professionals, and other leadership should also remain at home except for funerals (as above), meeting people’s pastoral needs by virtual means or by phone. 

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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