The Coronavirus is Transforming Judaism


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The Coronavirus is Transforming Judaism

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If you attended religious school, you’ve probably heard this story: It was the first century of the Common Era. The Romans had destroyed Jerusalem, and with it, Judean independence. In utter despair, the Jews smuggled their leader, Yochanan ben Zakkai, out of Jerusalem in a coffin. He leaped out of the coffin, and hailed the Roman general, Vespasian, as the new emperor of Rome. What seemed like monumental chutzpah turned out to be prophetic: Moments later, a messenger arrived on horseback. He told the general that the emperor had died, and that the general was to take his place. Grateful to Yochanan, the general-cum-emperor asked, “What can I give you as a reward?” Yochanan famously replied, “Give me Yavneh and its sages.”  The rabbis traveled to the coastal city of Yavneh, where they recreated Judaism. The temple was gone, and along with it, the sacrifices, so they relocated Judaism in the home and the synagogue. Judaism’s religious language became prayer, Torah study, and mitzvot. The Pesach sacrifices became the home-based seder, and the daily sacrifices became the Amidah, the classic statement of Jewish prayer. The rabbis finalized the authoritative canon of the Hebrew Bible, and re-established the Sanhedrin.

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Jeffrey Salkin



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