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Social / physical distancing

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In the midst of all this, Israel has been hard hit by the coronavirus.  The only flights that have been going into Israel have been with gap year students. Nativ, the Conservative Movement gap year program, as well as yeshivot throughout the country are at maximum capacity, but everyone is following the protocols, all students had to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival and now will be staying put over the holidays. As Israel is the first country to enact a second lockdown which started just before Rosh Hashanah and it will continue throughout the Chagim. The goal is to prevent Israelis from gathering with family and friends over the holidays thereby spreading the virus. I’d like to share with you a wonderful coronavirus story that I learned about from an AIPAC publication that gives me hope that perhaps someday things in Israel can be different.  In the midst of the first wave of the coronavirus, Israeli society did not hesitate to quickly take action. Israel set up “corona hotels” for people who had tested positive for the disease and could not go back to their homes without potentially infecting other people. In Jerusalem it was at the Dan Hotel.  At the start, the manager of the hotel was asking people about their backgrounds to understand who to pair together as roommates: Orthodox Jews with other Orthodox Jews, secular Jews with other secular Jews, and Arabs with other Arabs.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbie Mark



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