We Have been Here Before: Spiritual Wisdom for Enduring Covid-19


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We Have been Here Before: Spiritual Wisdom for Enduring Covid-19

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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In the most heartwarming kodesh (holy) moments of all, we might glimpse through the tent flaps, parents and children, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents, telling stories to one another, reading into the moment a reimagining of our ancient heroes: About Noah and Naamah whose strategic planning together – building an ark, gathering the animals, collecting seeds to seed a future – saved the animals and saved themselves, reminding us that in working together, in spite of the trauma of what was to come, we can find a way forward and hopefully a way through, and About Isaac, the assaulted, who struggled to find meaning in a life torn apart by the painful experience he endured as a youth, yet who opened his heart nonetheless to the love of Rebekah and thus found a way forward, reminding himself and others that with love and partnership we can overcome debilitating anxiety and fear, and About Sarai, the soulful one, who dug deep amidst her despair to find strength to feed the stranger-wanderers and, learning that there would be hope for her future – a child to be born – she laughed, reminding us that amidst great pain we can still find great joy.

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Rabbi Paul Kipnes



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