Rabbi Adam Cutler – Saving Others and Elevating Ourselves: COVID-19 AND BEYOND


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Rabbi Adam Cutler – Saving Others and Elevating Ourselves: COVID-19 AND BEYOND

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Good deeds and service to others
Technological and organizational changes
Unity of religious community
Poverty, Financial Struggle, and Shortage

Text of excerpt, if available

It is taught, “מצוה גדולה להיות בשמחה תמיד”, it is a great mitzvah to be joyful always. At a time when we will be unable to fulfill certain mitzvot, we must strive even harder to fulfill others. We must connect by phone or Facetime with friends and family; we must care for our neighbours; we must ensure that the most vulnerable among us have the funds to attain the necessities of life – especially as COVID-19 caused loss of work will certainly result in empty fridges and children’s empty stomachs; and we absolutely must strive for joyfulness. The new coronavirus has pounded us socially and financially. Over this we have had little control. Our spirits though are under our domain. It is within our power to push them to rise higher and higher and higher. Let us choose hope over fear. Let us spiritually connect even as we socially distance. Let us mine the wisdom of our tradition to uplift, especially as the news of the days drags us down.

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Rabbi Adam Cutler



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