Shabbat with Rabbi Lisa March 27


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Shabbat with Rabbi Lisa March 27

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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It's again, been a really hard week for a lot of us. And even today with things going up and down and changing and people's plans changing. The next thing I want to sing together with you is a short piece from the prayer Hashi veno. This is a really comforting prayer where we ask for, for God's help for God's sheltering peace. And while many of us might be feeling like we're all over the place, wherever that is. If you're at school, if you're at home, if you're still traveling, if you're in the midst of things, one thing I really wish for you there, Shabbat is that you have some, some semblance of a Sue cot Shalom of a shelter of peace with you, with you, the Shabbat. And so this is a, it's a forward chant. <inaudible> focusing on asking for God to, to, to bring, to bring over us, to spread over us, that shelter of peace, maybe that be peace of mind and a little bit of extra, extra strength during this really difficult time.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rav Lisa Stella



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