OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah


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OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah

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COVID-adapted Misc. holidays adapted
[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

Text of excerpt, if available

Nevertheless, while we may be unable to have a typical Simchat Torah, we will be able BEZ”H to celebrate the day. Traditionally, Simchat Torah is not celebrated through Torah study, but rather by demonstrating our ahavat Torah and our kavod haTorah, our feelings of love and admiration for the Torah. Those feelings of love for the Torah and its values are expressed on Simchat Torah by old and young, and by those more and less learned. This remains an attainable goal for this year. For starters, a basic Hoshanot-like series of Hakafot without vigorous singing and dancing may be conducted, with one group of people designated to hold the Sifrei Torah. This basic ritual may be supplemented as each of us thinks creatively of alternative methods to express our love and admiration of the Torah. What follows are a few such suggestions that are not meant to limit, but rather to encourage, your own creativity.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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