Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781


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Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.
Politicians, religion, and the pandemic
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
Poverty, Financial Struggle, and Shortage
M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates
Laws, policies, and government

Text of excerpt, if available

Second, we need to remember that we can live with less.     The economic challenge of this time forced many of us to spend less money, or to live within our means, or to realize that we can live well, with well below what we previously sought to own and possess.  We also drove less.  We also flew less.  We also vacationed less (or vacationed more modestly).  When the time comes and we are blessed to have more than we need and we are free again to do more than what is deemed necessary, we must internalize moral demands that limit what we think we own and possess, and also curtail the freedoms our wealth so easily afford us.    We learned to live with less and we will need to learn to live with giving much, much more. Third, we need to remember how quickly we and the entire world can change. 

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Yonatan Cohen



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