OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah


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OU/RCA Guidance for Succot and Simchat Torah

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COVID-adapted Misc. holidays adapted
[don't use] Embodiment

Text of excerpt, if available

Simchat Torah will present the greater challenge to celebration of the chag as we know it. This special day is typically celebrated by spirited dancing with the Torah, which is something that seems impossible to replicate this year while maintaining proper safeguards. Even without holding hands, and even outdoors, when dancing in circles we are continuously walking into the clouds of droplets generated by the vigorous singing and dancing of others. Sadly, there seems to be no way in which this can be safely accomplished. Similarly, the special moment of Kol HaNearim, when the young children crowd together around the Torah, cannot be safely accomplished in the conventional manner. These are certainly meaningful disappointments.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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