The One Thing That Will Get Us Through The Coming Year


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The One Thing That Will Get Us Through The Coming Year

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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So what is the one thing we need to do? (When you only have 7 minutes you must go straight for the jugular!) In the haftarah from the book of Isaiah we are told “Al Titalem mibsarcha”- literally, it means “don’t hide from your flesh” but in reality, Isaiah is telling us not to hide from our inner self, from who we really are. This is really the motto for Yom Kippur, but for us this can be a teaching that will also help us in the year to come. Isaiah knew that we are hiders-he knew we pretend to be someone else or we pretend to be something we are not.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rabbi Jim Simon



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