Rabbi Schell's video address regarding the corona virus


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Rabbi Schell's video address regarding the corona virus

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Technological and organizational changes
Passover, when COVID-adapted
[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings

Text of excerpt, if available

The concert on March 29th has been postponed to the second half of this year. And we will look into options how we can organize a meaningful Pesach for all of you. For now, we will run services and study sessions online using some of the great tools offered by the internet to remain connected links. And the additional services will be shared regularly on our website. So we will post how you can watch the internet stream of our servers and the shielding on our website with the following link.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


Item for the media file that is excerpted


Rabbi Adrian M Schell



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