Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781
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Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781
Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics
Natural disasters and human catastrophes
Poverty, Financial Struggle, and Shortage
M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates
Universality of the pandemic
Text of excerpt, if available
The lines that separate countries, communities, and people can easily collapse, and consequently, the demands of empathy and the standards of mutual responsibility have increased significantly. This insight bears important theological, political, and halakhic ramifications. The global lessons which we have not yet really internalized should profoundly impact our thinking about global warming, poverty in our own neighborhood communities, racial tensions and injustice, and treatable diseases in the developing world. Our narrow theology should change. Our national politics should change. Our global giving should change.
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Yonatan Cohen