The Torah of Large-Scale Projects [Naso]


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The Torah of Large-Scale Projects [Naso]

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Explicit reference to religious freedom in the constitutional sense
Traditioning -- scriptural
Analogies to Mythic Narratives

Text of excerpt, if available

There are a bit of commentators are similarly concerned with these specifics. Perhaps they take their cues from the biblical text, thinking that if the minutia of the Michigan's transportation are important enough to include in a Torah, they're important enough to study and explicate. It seems to me, however that their interest offers a clue that there's more relevance to these details that we might suspect at first glance, a closer look at these passages reveals crucial lessons about how effective operational procedures often seen as trivial are. In fact, critically important. This message is especially relevant today. As we contend with a global pandemic, let's look at these passages in more detail. The first of the family responsibilities in the partial is that other Gershmans they're responsible for the fabric that covers the Michigan, as well as the partitions and the altar and has relevant equipment.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Ashira Konigburg




David Friedenreich via Hillel Gray

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