Rabbi Adam Cutler – Saving Others and Elevating Ourselves: COVID-19 AND BEYOND


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Rabbi Adam Cutler – Saving Others and Elevating Ourselves: COVID-19 AND BEYOND

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Preservation of human health and life, as a priority

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This will be the last service held at Adath Israel until further notice. I cannot tell you whether it will be this week, this month, or perhaps further still when we will once again open these doors to prayer. We act not only for ourselves, but for society at large. Most individuals infected will recover, but some, especially amongst the older adult demographic that make up a large percentage of our regular attendees, will not. Our hospitals are already beyond capacity. Those requiring treatment for other ailments are already being denied needed care. Like Rabbi Salanter, we step away from communal prayer, not because it is unimportant. We step away to fulfill the most basic of Jewish values – to protect and care for society’s most vulnerable.

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Rabbi Adam Cutler



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