Back To The Future - Yom Kippur Sermon from Rabbi Davis


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Back To The Future - Yom Kippur Sermon from Rabbi Davis

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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives
[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings
High Holidays, when COVID-adapted (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)

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We don't have the energy or the attention span to nurture something new. And the tendency in this kind of situation is to say, I just wish things. I just wish things would return to normal. I just wish that they would go back to the mr. Misty watercolor <inaudible> of the way we were. I know that I do. I want to be able to gather, like we used to, to hug, like we used to, to go to school and shool and work like we used to, to go to coffee without worrying. Am I taking a risk like you? I wish I wish I wish we have some semblance of normal because this is not normal, but happy rain. We can’t simply return to normal because really normal was never normal. It was just what we had gotten used to, or simply ignored. We can't allow ourselves to return to business as usual because it's business as usual that got us to where we are.

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Rabbi Davis



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