Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781
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Lessons for the Pandemic (and after the Pandemic) Rosh Hashanah 5781
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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)
Prayer & faith as duty during pandemic
Unity of religious community
Technological and organizational changes
Text of excerpt, if available
When this pandemic started, I didn’t quite appreciate the sort of spiritual growth opportunities afforded by this tragic crisis. In our midst, there are individuals who began learning Mishnah every day. Others, started Daf Yomi, the daily learning of the Talmud during shelter‐in‐place. In our midst, there are individuals who began davening, praying every day, some even three times a day. Perhaps even more surprising, at least two households in our community, began observing Shabbat in their home during this pandemic. And this list too goes on and on and on.
"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user
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Yonatan Cohen