The Torah of Large-Scale Projects [Naso]


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The Torah of Large-Scale Projects [Naso]

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Preservation of human health and life, as a priority
Confidence in science & experts
[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

Text of excerpt, if available

While the Bible's concern seems to be with violating a ritual taboo. We too must entrust our safety to more qualified experts. In our case, medical professionals who ensure our safety, we like the cohort tights are unqualified to take matters into our own hands. When public health experts give guidance about the best way to stem a pandemic, like everyone must listen to them. These are life and death risks that are best addressed by those, with the relevant expertise, but we are not engaged in moving the Mishkan. We are in the midst of an even bigger effort.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Ashira Konigburg




David Friedenreich via Hillel Gray

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