Updates on COVID-19 - Archdiocese of Louisville


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Updates on COVID-19 - Archdiocese of Louisville

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines
Preservation of human health and life, as a priority

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I also will be asking our priest to continue to do everything they can to make resources available that are consistent with the restrictions that are wise, you know, about hygiene and you know about social distancing. Those are nonnegotiable. We surely need to honor these very urgent demands upon us, out of the common good and out of the need for safety. We hope that there will be advertised in your parish opportunities for you to make a visit to your parish in a way that honors good hygiene and social distancing, perhaps opportunities for Eucharistic adoration. You already know that online, there are our opportunities for the celebration of the mass of the air, where the recitation of the Holy rosary through the radio, we will continue to gather resources available.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Archbishop Kurtz

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