Instagram: Sharing Community Stories on Social Media


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Instagram: Sharing Community Stories on Social Media

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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I just wanted to share a quick experience of my first digital Sunday gathering this past weekend. I think for me, the biggest takeaway was just how amazed I was at how much God can meet us. And even the simplest of places, I personally had the service projected on the TV in my old bedroom. And I was just sitting on my floor with my notebook and journal. And yeah, it's just crazy to know that God can see you in your season, regardless of where you are, regardless of your meeting with others. If you're alone in your house, whatever it may be. And I'm just encouraged and excited to see how God's going to continue doing that in our congregation, in our community, throughout these digital gatherings and how he's just going to continue to break down boundaries, whether that be physical or even just things in our minds of what we think church should be or feel like how's, the house was a really great experience.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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