Instagram: A New Social Media Series "The Drop In"


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Instagram: A New Social Media Series "The Drop In"

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One, talking about how Paul is rejoicing. Even those who are in, even those who are preaching the gospel out of envy, seeking to advance themselves. He's saying, Hey, the gospel is being preached and that's what's up. That's what's up. And, and so we, we, we want to be that same way. We want to be full of love. Never adversarial, always being generous with all of those, all those around us. So that's it. I think that's, that's the time we've got for the drop-in unless I see somebody try to come in while I'm trying to close we'll we'll close this up fam.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Matt Boga

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