A safe deposit


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A safe deposit

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R5: Balanced thinking and multiple perspectives
[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

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Only if you're standing on the rock solid surface of God's sovereignty, how do we walk that tight rope today? Well, there are two extremes here. We take both caution, courage. What do we do? What? We stay six feet apart, right? You know, and we're not going to shake hands. We're going to use caution. Now we have to be careful that caution is not masquerading his fear, right? That's an extreme, I can go there. The other side is courage. <inaudible> If God calls on us to break the barrier of six feet to love break it, we have to be careful that courage is not masquerading itself. Centerness you know, these people says I'm just going to go out and be courageous and do what I want. That's just pride, fear and pride, both two sides of the same coin.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Stewart

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