A safe deposit


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A safe deposit

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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The word fiery simply means burning burning. First of all, it can mean a conflagration hard word to say, it's not a localized fire. It's a, it's a extensive fire, like a COVID-19 wasn't localized. Wasn't just at one church, it was extensive much like a COVID-19. It was going to be broad. It was going to be wide. It was going to be a conflagration, a burning that was extensive. The second thing about this burning, it was coming, which is the word there is becoming it's coming in the future. They're in some suffering, there is a reprieve, but there's going to be an extensive, widespread suffering that's coming. It is coming

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Stewart

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