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I wanted to make sure we didn't miss the power of what took place early in the service. That baptism moment was extraordinary and we just need to cheer and celebrate that Leah has given her heart to Christ. And I just wanted to say just another word about that. You guys, most of the folks in the church know Ronny Leonard, most the folks in town know Ronnie Leonard and you know, Ronnie was not always following Jesus. Is that a fair statement? And when he did, when he gave his life to Jesus, it was radical and he gave his life all the way to Jesus. And his biggest desire was that his family would come to know him and know Jesus. And we, we, we buried Ronnie couple of weeks ago. We know where he is today because of his faith in Jesus Christ. But because of his testimony of real life change other people in his family, like Leah have come to accept Jesus as their savior as well.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Paul Strozier

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