Expand Your Worldview: With the Other


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Expand Your Worldview: With the Other

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M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates
M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

Text of excerpt, if available

And I'm going to remind you, I will remind you of this for the next two Sundays as well as today. And that is this on November the fourth, which is the Wednesday after the Tuesday election. I want you to understand something. I know I have no idea who will win what election in this country, but here's what I do know on November the fourth, God will still be, God, Jesus will still be on the throne. The kingdom of God is not changed by who gets elected in any country, in any nation. Anywhere. The kingdom of God is God's kingdom and you and I are called to be citizens in it. And we're called as citizens to embrace the other. Even if your donkey, you've got to read, embrace the elephant. Even if you're an elephant, you got to embrace the donkey because we have all been embraced by the lion of Judah, who is the lamb of God,

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Dr. Kerry B. Robinson

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