Mass in the Time of Covid-19


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Mass in the Time of Covid-19

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[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

Text of excerpt, if available

The procession will be much shorter as well, and you'll notice a different manner in the music that's because our archdiocese has asked that we hold that a little bit on the way in which you be singing. Obviously we are singing. We are using our voices, we're using our breaths. And there is some concern about the spreading of the coronavirus. If we don't wear a mask. So we ask you to keep your masks on, even during singing and the music that we will be using, we will be having music helper because that's a major part of the music we will be using though, will be somewhat more subdued. And we will ask that you respond to the music using little antiphons or phrases rather than singing whole hymns

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Father Donald Baker

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