The Church's Witness During a Pandemic


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The Church's Witness During a Pandemic

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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The word of God, the written word, the law and the prophets in the old Testament. That was the word that the Israel, Israel lights were supposed to show to the rest of the world. That was their witness. But in the new Testament, it's not just the written word. It's more than that, that he was the light of the world. And what was that light? We read in John chapter one and verse four in him was life. The life of God. And that life was the light of the world in him was life. And that life was the light of men. So there's a shift. Now it's not the written word. That is to be the light in this time, in the new covenant age. But the life of Jesus, that is the witness. The church must have. The written word is important, but it says in John, one, one, the word became flesh.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Zac Poonen

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