The Church's Witness During a Pandemic


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The Church's Witness During a Pandemic

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Prayer & faith saves from virus - or not
[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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We have every right to go to our heavenly father and ask him for good things, to ask him, to protect us in a time of pandemic. And I like this wonderful promise in Psalm 91 is very relevant to the time in which we live. I'm sure many people are coding it, but it says in Psalm 91, that if you dwell in the secret shelter of the shadow of the almighty, under the shelter of the most high, it says in Psalm 91, you will not be afraid of the plague that comes in darkness or six or the destruction Psalm 91, six that lays a lot of people down a thousand may fall on your side and 10,000 at your right hand. It will not approach you. That's the promise. We believe in a heavenly father. I'm not saying I have any thought that will not allow us to be sick.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Zac Poonen

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