Is COVID-19 From God


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Is COVID-19 From God

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Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.

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They're not doing anything. And this may even be some people who are coming to services. It's like we have put our spiritual lives on hold. God forbid, folks. We need to be active in the kingdom right now. There are opportunities for service right now. There are opportunities for evangelism right now, but what people have done is we've taken the, the remote and we put, put the whole button, the pause button. Well, when this is over, then I will get back in service to the Lord. When this is over, then I'll come back, go back to point. Number two, you need to repent of that mentality because that's sinful. We have opportunities for service right now in the kingdom of God. We've got work to do.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Cloyce Sutton

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