[2ry] Student Ministry Leaders Engage and Innovate to Connect with Youth


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[2ry] Student Ministry Leaders Engage and Innovate to Connect with Youth

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Unity of religious community
Emphasis on children

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The global pandemic COVID-19 has forced changes in how ministry leaders communicate with their congregations. It has also caused many to pause and rethink how they can effectively serve and teach while unable to meet in person. When it comes to ministry to middle- and high-school students, Davies, pastor of worship and youth at Heights Baptist Church in Billings, Mont., emphasized efforts to become even more intentional in building community. “With the separation caused by the CDC’s advice, we are constantly reminding the youth that social distancing does not mean social isolation,” Davies said. “We are putting more effort into connecting with youth than we did before the pandemic crisis began.”

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Tess Schoonhoven



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