[2ry] Student Ministry Leaders Engage and Innovate to Connect with Youth


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[2ry] Student Ministry Leaders Engage and Innovate to Connect with Youth

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Technological and organizational changes
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Difficulty/uncertainty to adapt
Unity of religious community
[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings
Emphasis on children

Text of excerpt, if available

But Parks said the overall reaction has been positive, adding: “The students seem encouraged that we’re continuing to engage with them.” The hope is to bring a sense of normalcy in a difficult time, Parks continued. “From the church governing council side and the student ministry leadership side we are continuing to meet, now virtually, periodically to adjust to changes and plan for the future,” Parks said. “This is an ever-changing landscape, so it’s been difficult to plan more than two weeks out at most.”

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Tess Schoonhoven



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