How Do You Know What's True and Right?


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How Do You Know What's True and Right?

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[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

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We wouldn't be momentary Christians, Sunday surface Christians, but we would be people that housed the presence of God that makes space for Jesus alone to be enthroned upon our hearts. Lord, we make space for you today. We ask that you would come and have your way in us. Lord. We love you. We love you. We love you. And we pray this in that mighty name of Jesus. Amen. That song was amazing, right? I mean the whole set was really good, but that my heart, your home, like I'm really loving that. So that was new to me. Yeah. That's the first time we've done it here. So that was really great. I love that song. So we are normally one church that meets in multiple locations, but right now you're all meeting online. And this weekend we are finishing up our series a from confusion to clarity That's right. The next week we're starting a new series pastor. Julia's going to start a series that's called that they may be one. And it's based on the prayer of Jesus that we might be one. And as we're heading into one of the most divided times in our nation, we're talking about what does it look like to follow the way of Jesus toward you?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rich Nathan

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