How Do You Know What's True and Right?


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How Do You Know What's True and Right?

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I pray for you. I pray that the Lord would give you a soft, hard, pray for yourself right now, pray for your family and say, Lord, make me someone who loves the truth. Even if it makes me uncomfortable, pray for yourself, pray for your family. Make us a family that wants more truth. That loves the truth. Even if it makes us uncomfortable, even for the costs us, we want to hear your voice. Jesus. You know, we carry into our service every week. Lots of prayer concerns. And if you need prayer right now, I want to ask you to text one of our pastors or leaders. All you need to do is text. Pray to nine, eight, nine, seven, seven texts, pray nine, eight, nine, seven, seven, and say, would you pray for me? I need prayer right now. We need prayer. And somebody will pray for you. God bless you.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rich Nathan

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