Strengthened By Adversity


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Strengthened By Adversity

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[don't use] Religious/spiritual needs as a priority

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We pray for grace and peace for the medical workers and first responders in our city. And throughout this world, God, we pray for grace and peace for those who have lost work and who are hurting financially right now, we pray for grace and peace for the sick. And for those who are grieving, the loss of loved ones. We pray for grace and peace for us as a church and for other churches throughout Los Angeles, that this would be a time where we look to you, where we cry out to you, where we trust in you and God, we pray that this would be a time where we grow, where we grow in our dependence on you, where we grow in our love for you, because you're giving us eyes to see how you're at work in all of this Lord.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Jeremy Treat

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