Reject Fear


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Reject Fear

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Oneness with God

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And in the midst of looking at those circumstances, we can look away from God. We can begin to get so focused on all the things that we need to do to, to, to be safe. All the actions that we should take. And let me tell you, we should be taking every action that we can, right? We should be obeying what our civil authorities are telling us to do to stay safe. These are all wise things to do. The scripture says some things about obeying authorities and respecting them and being model citizens. But let me tell you what, with all of that effort and all of that activity, if we, for a minute, begin to put our hope in that we'll end up being practical atheists, right? Acting as if God is asleep in the midst of this storm, but he's not.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Scott Merriner

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