Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19


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Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19

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Social Media
Difficulty/uncertainty to adapt
Emphasis on children
Unity of religious community

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trying to use social media to still have 05:02 that little fun aspect of that youth 05:04 ministry has so I was talking to another 05:05 youth minister the other day some of the 05:07 things that he's doing which I thought 05:09 was great is utilizing that social media 05:11 and saying hey everyone share your 05:13 talent right now we're gonna have a 05:14 virtual talent show so post a little 05:16 video of you doing your talent at home 05:18 or a photo scavenger hunt find these ten 05:21 items post pictures using these with 05:23 these ten items I think that's kind of 05:25 fun way to still interact with your 05:26 youth but just again using what we have 05:29 which is our internet connection and our 05:32 social media platform

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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