Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19


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Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19

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Good deeds and service to others
Blessing or reason for gratitude
Unity of religious community
Emphasis on children
M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

Text of excerpt, if available

I 08:09 was inspired yesterday that to do a 08:13 random act of kindness with one of my 08:15 neighbors and I left them a little 08:16 present in their mailbox anonymously 08:18 with a nice handwritten letter saying I 08:21 wanted to start a chain in our 08:22 neighborhood of random acts of kindness 08:24 and I encouraged my youth to do this as 08:26 well in their neighborhoods just to be 08:28 that person to start that chain reaction 08:30 of the random act of kindness

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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