Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19


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Youth Ministry Insights: Reaching Youth During COVID-19

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Emphasis on children
COVID-19 Implications
Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic
Difficulty/uncertainty to adapt
Blessing or reason for gratitude

Text of excerpt, if available

so again we're all kind of in 09:52 this together we're trying to see what 09:53 works we're trying to see how we can 09:55 make it work for our youth keep things 09:56 as normal right normal as possible 09:59 remember to pray remember to stay 10:01 focused on the Lord the Lord has us in 10:03 the palm of his hands he's gonna see us 10:05 through this time this is such a great 10:06 test of faith and a great way that we 10:09 can just share our faith with others and 10:10 especially I think during times of 10:12 trials and difficulties youth adults 10:15 everyone's a little bit more open to 10:17 their faith so this is such a pivotal 10:20 time a crucial time where we can be able 10:23 to to use our faith and be able to help 10:25 others in such a beautiful way 10:26 especially our youth so don't let it 10:28 pass you by 10:29 don't just use this extra time to sit 10:31 and catch up on Netflix but actually try 10:34 to use the faith as a great ministry 10:37 tool use your your faith in your 10:39 ministry tools to be able to to share 10:41 with others and then maybe just your 10:43 youth are gonna view up with their 10:44 parents and all that are living in their 10:45 household so god bless you and thanks 10:49 for all you're doing for our youth 10:50 especially in these times

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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