The new normal danger


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The new normal danger

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Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.

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here can be no compromise between God and the world. No turning back to secure earthly treasures, Matthew six 24 says you cannot serve God and Matt. So where are we today? Are we, are we living in a new normal in our spiritual life? Are we embracing the culture and the compromises and the Bible that God is telling us, come out of her because you cannot serve God amendment at the same time. And God is out there trying to save you like the way that the eagerness of angels tracking, tracking them out of the sea. Why? Because it's going to be destroyed. That's a love of God because we love people as sinners, but there's nothing that can do with sinners. Shut their heart, rejecting God, And God would save a city. If they, there were 10 righteous people. And there were none. So I pray that as we are going through this pandemic, we see things are changing rapidly. Even, even the political dynamic is so crazy

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Preacher Ron Park

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